- The gun that killed Sean Taylor was placed in a sock and thrown into the Everglades, an attorney for one of the suspects said
- ...one of the suspects said the football star kept $200,000 in a black bag in one of the bedrooms
- They climbed over a fence and broke into a bathroom near the pool with a crowbar. Rivera, 17, and Mitchell, 19, went inside. Minutes later Mitchell ran out claiming he heard a noise...
- Rivera persuaded Mitchell to go back inside. A few minutes later, Hunte, 20, heard a gunshot and then a scream inside the house. Mitchell and Rivera came running out and the group left in the car
- Once in Fort Myers, Mitchell and Rivera burned their clothes and masks
Friday, December 21, 2007
It's All Starting to Come Together...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I'm No T.O Fan, But...

He He He


Let it GO!!!

Alonzo Mourning Done??

Those injuries usually take at least three months to heal, but Zo has been quoted as saying that there's "zero chance" of him playing another season. I guess we'll see!"That's not the way I envisioned myself walking off the court for the last time in my career. I've been through so much in my life. If I had to crawl off the court I would have. Nobody was going to push me off on a stretcher off the court. That wasn't going to happen."
Tony Parker Will Sue You!!

**Spicy's word of advice: Married people, be really careful about who you "befriend."**
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I'M COMING BACK!!! I Promise...
**and no SJH, I'm not on maternity leave w/D.Wade's baby (LMAO!!!)**
HOLLA!!! SpicySalsa,

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Atlanta Gets WNBA Team...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh HELL Naw!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007
High School Removes Vick's Jersey...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ya'll Vote for Floyd!!!

...Just poor sportsmanship.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Liar, Liar Pants On Fire!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Give It Up O.J.!!

What A Comeup!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007
If This I True Then I DEFINITELY Understand...

According to a person close to Shaunie, once she found out that Shaq was planning on leave her for his pregnant girlfriend - she began stashing away the family money. "Shaunie [took] 9 million dollars from Shaq once she found out that he had indeed had an affair and gotten another woman pregnant."
And that's not the best part. Word is that Shaunie was entitled to substantially less than $9 million under the prenuptial agreement that she signed before the wedding. (MTO)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Give Him a Break!!!

Barry's Ball Will Be Branded...

And speaking of Barry Bonds...he WILL NOT be on the Giants' roster next season...I repeat, Barry Bonds WILL NOT be on the Giant's roster next season. That's dirty San Fran!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
When I see Serena looking like this, I have to give her props! Girl is lookin' mo and mo better (lol)! I posted a pic of her a while back and wondered if she'd gotten a new stylist or something and I'm convinced that she has! She looks really great and it's so good to see her wearing clothes that are flattering to her muscular body instead of clothes that just make her look manish!
In case you were wondering the occassion for her looking so fabu, she was at the premiere of the new Jamie Foxx movie (The Kingdom).
Not Them Too!!!....

The Goldman's Need Jesus!!

It seems like every since O.J.
All I can do is shake my head. It's been over 10 years since the death of their son. Why not just try to move on? It's a damn shame that they have so much hate in their heart's and can't find it within themselves to get past this and let God deal with whoever actually murdered their kid. I can't help but feel that they are missing so much out of life by trying to find ways to get at O.J. When will they realize that none of this will bring their son back?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I LOVE Floyd Mayweather!
Grandaddy Greg Will Miss the ENTIRE Season...

I Told Ya'll that I Believed in Miracles...

Kevin Everett has slightly moved three fingers on his right hand, potentially another positive sign in his recovery from a life-threatening spinal-cord injury. The Buffalo tight end voluntarily moved his fingers Thursday night "more than a little bit but not with great force." "There was slight movement." On Wednesday, doctors said Everett could wiggle his toes, bend his hip, move his ankles, elevate and kick his leg, as well as extend his elbows and slightly flex his biceps. But he had not been able to move his hands. (ESPN)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kevin Everett SEVERLY Injured

"A best-case scenario is full recovery, but not likely," orthopedic surgeon Andrew Cappuccino said. "I believe there will be some permanent neurologic deficit." Everett was hurt Sunday after he ducked his head while tackling the Denver Broncos' Domenik Hixon during the second-half kickoff. Everett dropped face-first to the ground after his helmet hit Hixon high on the left shoulder and side of the helmet. Cappuccino noted the 25-year-old reserve tight end did have touch sensation throughout his body and also showed signs of movement. But he cautioned that Everett's injury was life-threatening because he was still susceptible to blood clots, infection and breathing failure."
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Happy Birthday Kobe!!!

This May Be a Long One...

And the Oscar Goes to...

Bettis came into training camp with a knee that had been surgically repaired theprevious summer. Bettis, fearing he would be cut if the team knew how much the knee was injured, didn't say anything. During a short-yardage drill at an early camp practice, Bettis fell down, grabbed his knee and yelled in pain. "Man, did I do a nice job of acting,'' Bettis wrote in the book. "The thing is, I wasn't faking that I had an injury. I was just faking that the injury happened on that short-yardage play. I had to fool the coaches and the team's medical department into thinking the injury had occurred on that play. Otherwise, the Steelers would have had their reason to cut me and my salary."
Do You Want Barry Bonds' Record Breaking Ball?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Larry Johnson Finally Ends Holdout...

I'm Not Surprised...

What a Tradegy...

Former Minnesota Timberwolves forward Eddie Griffin died last week when his sport utility vehicle collided with a freight train in a fiery crash. Investigators used dental records to identify Griffin, 25, who began his tumultuous pro career with the Houston Rockets in 2001. He was waived by the Timberwolves in March...Houston police said in a report that the driver of the SUV ignored a railroad warning and went through a barrier before striking the moving train at about 1:30 a.m. Friday. The resulting fire burned the SUV and the side of a railcar carrying plastic granules, police said. The driver's body was badly burned and there was no identification. (FOX)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Michael Vick is Pleading Guilty...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
David Beckham Scores...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
It May Not be So Bad Afterall...

Vince Young is a Terrible, Terrible Guy...

Monday, August 13, 2007
It's Not Looking too Good for Vick...

With two more co-defendants distancing themselves from Michael Vick, the
embattled Falcons quarterback was considering on Monday whether to accept a
plea agreement for his alleged role in a dogfighting operation. Sources told ESPN's Kelly Naqi that Vick attorneys Larry Woodward and Billy Martin met with federal prosecutor Michael Gill and the investigators on Monday afternoon. The attorneys planned to speak with the quarterback in the evening to see what direction he wants to go in. That comes on the heels of news that co-defendants Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips are scheduled to appear in federal court in Richmond at the end of the week and are expected to accept their own plea agreements. (ESPN)
May this be a lesson to all of the young dumb athletes who are obsessed with "keeping it real." Keeping it real is telling your broke cousins and homeboys to kiss your ass when they suggest your involvement in activity that could risk your career. In most cases, keeping it real is forgetting their names the second after you get drafted. I'm sure that Mike Vick looked out for the same "friends" who're now coping pleas. It doesn't look to me like they're looking out for him at all. I don't care how sincere you think are to a person, when you're flirting with prison time, sincerity goes out the window (I'd rat out my mama to avoid going to the big house...I'm too pretty. Those dyke hoes would have a field day with me, lol). I guess Michael Vick just had to find that out the hard way.
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Esquire's Best Dressed in 2007...

Did Ya'll See the Way They Stopped the Game??