Marion Jones pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court on Friday to two counts of lying to federal investigators and admitted taking steroids before the Sydney Olympics in 2000. She is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 11, and sentencing guidelines call for her to receive up to six months in jail. Everybody knows that she strongly denied ever using any performance enhancing drugs during her career. Yesterday she admitted that it was all a lie, cried, and retired. To add to it all, the U.S. Olympic Committee announced that they want her five (3 golds, 2 bronze) medals back. My advice to her is to do what all celebrities on the downside of their careers do...write a book.
I like Marion Jones and feel bad for her. Yeah a book would be good. I do believe that the Trevor Graham guy misled her initially...
WOW. I actually feel sorry for her. Once her baby daddy was busted i knew it was only a matter of time for her. She'll for sure write a book.
LOL great advice!!!
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